About Practical Promotions

Practical Promotions Limited was founded in 1986 and has grown steadily, adapting to the ever-changing demands of modern marketing.

As the name of the company suggests, our basic philosophy is a practical and down-to-earth approach to getting our clients noticed.

Ours is a small consultancy, experienced in the various aspects of promoting small to medium sized businesses. We are flexible and adapt our strategy to the individual needs of our clients. We can offer a seamless service covering the whole range of promotional and advertising methods, saving you the trouble of shopping around.

We have been involved with promoting very new, small enterprises and also taking on well-established and more substantial companies needing a higher profile or a brighter image.


The logo

We are often asked what is the significance of our logo. Basically it encapsulates our approach to what we do: practicality, versatility and adaptability enabling us to deal with many tasks and problems within one compact unit.

It was inspired by an occasion when the caterers for a corporate event supplied us with everything: food, plates, glasses and several cases of wine but they forgot to leave us a corkscrew.... Luckily Mary Lindsay, our Managing Director, had a Swiss Army knife in her bag and was able to open the wine with no fuss.

Morgan Racing

Mary Lindsay, apart from always having a Swiss Army knife in her bag, is also a keen Morgan driver and an enthusiastic participant in the Morgan Motor Company Challenge Race series. If this interests you, click here for more information about the series.